In the heart of most flowers lives Artinka 'Guardian of the Light.'
She turns it up each morning and down again each night
To help her with her work, her unseen duties, amount to many,
Are two little helpers at hand, Agris and Jabin always ready,
To do any jobs she may want done. In their spare time, they help The Sun, share its rays, over fields, working folk, and those having fun.
Agris and Jabin know the Sun's not very big, compared to some Stars,
Which is why they'd like to visit their cousins who live on mars.
Not that they've met their cousins, although part of the family.
They'd like to take a look at mars, see if it's a good place to be.
Once, with Artinka, they'd visited a place called Norridge,
'It's not like the surface of the sun,' Artinka, said, 'which looks like Boiling porridge.'
Lately the helpers have felt tired, they must be quite an age,
They've noted Artinka, 'Keeper of the Light,' doesn't ever change.
"Maybe she was born to live forever' Agris once said,
'She's so happy, doesn't sleep much, it's a wonder her eyes aren't red.'
Jabin nodded. 'What's say we go see Atrinka? ' he asked, 'see what we can do?'
When Atrinka, saw them, she shone like the morning star and said 'Agris and Jabin, I do so love you.'
Agris and Jabin know the Sun's not very big, compared to some Stars,
Which is why they'd like to visit their cousins who live on mars.
Not that they've met their cousins, although part of the family.
They'd like to take a look at mars, see if it's a good place to be.
Once, with Artinka, they'd visited a place called Norridge,
'It's not like the surface of the sun,' Artinka, said, 'which looks like Boiling porridge.'
Lately the helpers have felt tired, they must be quite an age,
They've noted Artinka, 'Keeper of the Light,' doesn't ever change.
"Maybe she was born to live forever' Agris once said,
'She's so happy, doesn't sleep much, it's a wonder her eyes aren't red.'
Jabin nodded. 'What's say we go see Atrinka? ' he asked, 'see what we can do?'
When Atrinka, saw them, she shone like the morning star and said 'Agris and Jabin, I do so love you.'
'Atrinka and Her Two Helpers' by Trish |
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