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'Getting Into Deep Waters' by Trish |
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Saturday, December 3, 2011
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'Turning Down The Lamp' by Trish |
In truth, there are words, but they are invisible.
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'Burnished' by Trish |
What the words might say, always held a fascination for me,
and soon I'll know.
Colors speak a pure, a sacred language, directed to the heart.
In the harmony of perfect peace, the eye and ear, join prayerfully,
in eternal devotion and love.
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'Starting From Scratch' by Trish |
Thursday, December 1, 2011
There's movement in the air,
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'In Full Form' by Trish |
and a war I do declare,
with, 'Miss Blue Lady of the night',
and 'Miss Must Do It Right'.
Their aims are not so different, or so far apart,
they just need time to realize, it's a matter of the heart.
Appearances can cast confusion, if one takes, but a look,
and that old saying still stands, judge no one by the book
The heart is of harmony, love, and good grace,
who cares what this one wears, or another may have on their face.
Time to turn the tiller, toll the bell, bring on the merry folk fiddle,
take your turn, share it all, and stay, stay, fairly in the middle.
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'Strictley Speaking' by Trish |
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
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'Lady In Red' by Trish |
the melody is silent, and so is her song.
she doesn't need to sing out, or hurry, but if she should,
she can spring, and step and stretch, it's all so good!
She can even do a movement called, the 'fish dive',
imagine being able to do a thing like that, and thrive!
She can also whirl and turn, and spring high into the air,
do it all over again with a fierce and yet delicate air
Yes, glide, whirl, take quick small jumps, all on her toes.
How this agility suddenly came, only she knows.
Yes, brisk jumps, and leap, then gracefully glide,
bang! goes the tambourine, as she scatters happiness far and wide.
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'Raining Flowers' by Trish |
the lovely flowers, as they fall.
Colors endlessly parade, before my eyes,
raining endlessly from a wondrous colored sky.
Where have all the dark clouds gone?
for so long they were the melody to my song.
But no more, of the twisted charade it seems.
Only in peace, and the perfume of prayer, rest my dreams.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
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'Departure' by Trish |
there's no bitterness as we part.
My days were spent, alone with you,
those willing to stay were none, or few.
Many call you to walk with them,
be it to the fork in the road, or the very end.
Farewell to you sad heart,
yours is never a lonely path.
Farewell to you sad one,
without you I could not have begun.
Taken up my bed, to join you on the road,
but for you, I'd never have shed, the burden of my load.
Monday, November 28, 2011
I've just landed on my feet, and I still feel, a bit, all at sea,
Imagine me turning around like this, from where I used to be.
And yet, strangely it's quite a bit, very much the same.
I'm still the person I used to be, and I still have the same name.
Ah, but there's the rub, the trick, the key to it all,
if we're called, and we answer, we are thrown to the winds, then back to shore.
and as the waves carry us safely, home to our rightful place,
we leave the mask behind, feel the sun, the rain, moonlight, upon, our pale ever grateful face.
I simply would not go, I've my health to think of you know.
And as for the sea, it was not and never will be, for me.
All that weird business, of voices calling to one in the night,
if one had called for me, I would have got a heck of a fright.
Live and let live, is my motto, unto each his own,
let those who wish it, wander, away from kindred and home.
Let those who need to, do it, go forth, into battle drawn,
set sail into nowhere, but not me, I'm content where I've been born.
I know I have my problems, they can come to me in the night,
but I'm used to having them, I'm familiar, even at home with my fright.
But calling me to travel, into uncharted lands, all completely wild,
to heed a call like that, I'd need to be mad, or at least, a lost child.
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'I Just Can't Believe It! Can You?' by Trish |
And yet, strangely it's quite a bit, very much the same.
I'm still the person I used to be, and I still have the same name.
Ah, but there's the rub, the trick, the key to it all,
if we're called, and we answer, we are thrown to the winds, then back to shore.
and as the waves carry us safely, home to our rightful place,
we leave the mask behind, feel the sun, the rain, moonlight, upon, our pale ever grateful face.
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'Familiar Surroundings' by Trish |
I simply would not go, I've my health to think of you know.
And as for the sea, it was not and never will be, for me.
All that weird business, of voices calling to one in the night,
if one had called for me, I would have got a heck of a fright.
Live and let live, is my motto, unto each his own,
let those who wish it, wander, away from kindred and home.
Let those who need to, do it, go forth, into battle drawn,
set sail into nowhere, but not me, I'm content where I've been born.
I know I have my problems, they can come to me in the night,
but I'm used to having them, I'm familiar, even at home with my fright.
But calling me to travel, into uncharted lands, all completely wild,
to heed a call like that, I'd need to be mad, or at least, a lost child.
Wonder, wonder, fervour bright,
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'Wonder' by Trish |
no need for fear of advancing night.
No need for shifting sands on shore,
no need, no need, ever more.
Adorn your temple, with flowers and love,
cherish your , creations, hold them fast and above,
events and happenings, that thrash,and then stall,
wonder, wonder burning fervently, brightly, over all..
Sunday, November 27, 2011
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'Sheer' by Trish |
she looks a bit overwhelmed, by the intensity of it all.
But good times are ahead, she only has to wait,
a little bit longer, safe in her own whole faith.
Hear the roar of the lion, see the strength, at hand.
May her mighty sound, ring through out this wild land.
See colors that sizzle, then whoompf!, they flare as flames,
the heat is incredible, no time for false niceties or games,
Sheer heard her name upon the wind, one night long ago,
but Doubt whispered 'don't answer, how are you to know,
who it is calls out, at this late hour of the night,
and even if it does carry your name, it may not be yours by right'.
Doubt continued, 'better no name, than follow one that's wrong.
And what matter anyway, we don't need a name to belong.
To risk being someone else, is more than one should dare,
especially, when even your true name, doesn't end all care.'
Sheer took a flaming torch and flung it far and wide,
it scorched the land, turned night to day, raised everything in sight.
The earth was charred black, it was now a land of no return,
Doubt breathed a painful sigh, then, also began to burn.
Sigh turned to a brittle fabric, crackled and fell apart,
fell upon the blackened earth, in the shape of a broken heart.
Sheer trembled as she knelt, to see what had come about
upon the pieces, were the words, this heart once belonged to doubt.
Friday, November 25, 2011
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'The cocoon Woman' by Trish (1993) |
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'Dressing It Up' by Trish The wheel keeps turning never stops Pretty clothes and lolly pops |
Pretty clothes and curled up hair,
dressed to kill, for anywhere.
Leaving the Cocoon lady's fashion house,
that's not fit to house even a poor mouse.
Let down the chains, set the children free,
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'Corners Of The Mind' by Trish (2000) |
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"Talking Teddy' by Trish |
Well look whose here, it's 'Talking Teddy Bear',
he seems to have come, out of the blue, from no where.
He's storming his way along, almost in the sky
He 's too far away to ask him where he's going and why.
When he's a little nearer, that will be the time to ask,
by the dark look on his face, he's got quite a task,
ahead of him to attend to, some matter to set right,
I've an inkling, it's to do with, Betty leaving tonight.
Oh well, I'll wait and wonder, until the matter gets closer at hand,
I'll have my questions ready, so he wont, misunderstand.
I'll say, 'Hello there Talking Teddy Bear' what's on your mind?'
I hope he's nearer to earth, ladders are scary things to climb.
And where would I find a ladder, if 'TTB' is still away on high,
I'll do it if needs be, I want to ask him where, he's going, or at least try,
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
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'Betty In Transition' by Trish |
She thinks just being a pretty dolly, is proving rather droll.
She's decided a few things and one is, she's coming into life,
not to become a poet, priestess, a model, or some one's wife.
But a living doll in the real sense, a person of the time,
which is impossible, she knows for the straight laced, and 'soooo', refined.
No, Betty has her own way, she has truly unique ideas,
not full of empty headed characters, in a land, completely weird.
She's knows, that to get through the invisible, door, will be testing, tough,
but Betty has decided, if anyone stands on her toes, she'll play it really rough..
Do whatever it takes, to get out of 'Dead Dolly Land' and into the fast flowing stream.
Life, she says, must keep moving, or it curdles, just like past the date cream.
How a Pretty Dolly Head, can know about such sort of things,
is all the more mysterious, as Betty, only moves, when you pull her strings.
But life is amazing, mysterious, as anyone, whose a body, knows.
Also amazing is, Betty rehearsing, her 'exit/entrance performance' in her solo "Lusty Lingerie Show".
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
The color blue is ever new,
cool and soft, a lovely hue.
It leads one into still waters,
the place of nature's sons and daughters.
The sky and sea, at the heart of all,
sing their love songs, of passion and war,
While indigo blue, a balm from all care,
frees the soul to live in the heart of prayer,
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'Blessed Blue' by Trish |
It leads one into still waters,
the place of nature's sons and daughters.
The sky and sea, at the heart of all,
sing their love songs, of passion and war,
While indigo blue, a balm from all care,
frees the soul to live in the heart of prayer,
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'The Welcome Way' by Trish |
say, they see it in my eyes.
I tell them,' my feelings over flow,.
and really all I know,
is a lot of things about this, and a little about that,
but, the best thing is, I have a welcome mat.
I wove a mat of straw and placed it before
every door I opened, and another thing what's more,
whoever passes my way, I greet, with a smile,
and if that is wisdom, well then, yes, maybe I am wise.'
Monday, November 21, 2011
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'Reaping Fruits' by Trish |
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'Fruit In Flowers' by Trish |
my heart garden, once left behind.
But blooms are such lovely things,
they grow anyway, so it seems.
I want to show to share with the world,
the heart and soul of a little girl,
who long ago, planted purple lobelia,
beneath a young white gardenia.
It was a joy to see them grow and then
flower, the lobelia petals renew ,again and again.
Like a royal bride, the gardenia grew tall,
keeping watch over the garden, lobelia and all.
When I closed my eyes on my garden heart,
I felt so alone, and very sad we had to part.
'I will return, I whispered' through the invisible door,
I have just returned, and the garden's even lovelier, than before.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
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'The Way' by Trish |
Though it reminds me of a hat,
Still, it'll take me where ever I want to go,
and safely back, I just absolutely know.
I'm creating my new map,
It'll lead me to pure, fresh waters, or a tap,
somewhere for me to lay down to sleep,
something to sustain me, as well as good food to eat.
I'm creating my new map,
so what if it looks like a hat!
I'm placing it all down in careful order,
to safely cross over, over the old boarder.
I'm busy creating my new fate,
so what if it looks like a birthday cake.
It'll take me where ever I want to go,
and safely back, I absolutely know.
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'Found Object' by Trish |
I thought, I could wear that in my hair,
But then upon a closer look,
I saw it had no pin, nor hook,
no clasp or ribbon, nothing at all,
so I took it home and hung it on the wall.
It hung there for ever so long,
and I believed, it made me strong,
But the twists and turns were crumbling away,
all I could do was kneel and pray.
In my prayer, I begged the Lord,
to save my found object, I'd nailed to a board.
I asked for help, on this one thing,
I'd not ask for even mercy, until next spring.
It's only yesterday, the crumble came about,
so I've no idea how long I'll do without,
either my ornament found at the end of my street,
or lost mercy , but I'm starting to feel rather weak
Monday, November 14, 2011
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'Another Time' by Trish |
I want to protect her, I say, 'heed my words,
if you should fall, you are bound to hurt yourself.
Then I say, Why must you climb so high?'
She seems unable to hear me, or wont.
So I raise my voice, say, 'if you must go so far, and away, from me,
then, at least let me help you, prepare yourself for the fall'.
Still she does not hear me, or wont, or is it, she can't?
Now I try to use her words, the way she used to explain to me,
her thoughts and feelings. I say, 'If what I fear should come about,
then catch the stars as you fall lady. Fill your soft palms with them,
catch star dust in you hair, smooth it over your satin silk eyelids, and so bring to light, even more, the luminous glow, of your deep emerald green eyes.
There is silence. For a long time, just silence. It surrounds me,
pulls me down in a current of such force, it threatens to take my very life.
As often happens, I no longer know if I am asleep or awake, I struggle to get my bearings.
My lady becomes a glitter of sequins stitched to a night sky.
My ears ring with a sharp, shrill sound, the shrillness turns to
the sweet song of a bird, it soothes my ravaged hearing, calms my jaded nerves.
Then, all is changed, shaken and shattered, by the low pitched, cynical laugh of the clown who waits in the wings.
It appears he waits to comment on me, or is it to perform me? When I examine him closely,
I see how ugly he is, and even as he roars his raucous laughter, tears roll down his rough rouged cheeks,
drip onto the white ruffle around his neck, spread out over his heaving chest,
until his clown vest, seems plastered to his torso. Just over his heart, the dampness turns to a patch of darkest red, and it looks as if he has been wounded, and that his heart begins to bleed.
There is perfumed warmth nearby, the scent holds the delicateness of rose petals,
and I know, she is near.
She has returned to me, perhaps only in my dream, but it is something, and it must be enough.
See how she glows and radiates the space around her? Much as I want to be close to my lady, I hesitate, for I have learned that, within the golden glow, sometimes, lies a strange, searing heat, and so I wait.
Once, I held her body. All night she lay in my arms, cold and lifeless one minute,
then, trembling and burning a feverish state the next, muttering and moaning words that made no sense to my ears. All day she slept and I kept guard over her
with my love. As I waited and watched her still sleeping face, her eyes opened wide, and stared long, into mine, then she started, and drew back, as if I was a monster, a thing of revulsion. She rose quickly, and without a word, left me.
Back she went, into her world of clouds, of drifts and currents, for she seemed not to be of my world, but of one, only she could enter.
When she left, my loneliness, was unbearable. Against my own reason, I roamed the streets in search of her. Of course I did not find her, nor did I ever see her again. But I lie. She came once more.Why she came that last night was a mystery to me, but then, every thing she did was a mystery. Like a gypsy she came, no shoes, dressed in nothing but a jeweled shawl, that draped and wrapped itself tightly round her frail body, it gleamed like a sky of stars. Her delicate shoulders seemed bowed, as if, from the weight of her starlit shawl.
I had prayed for her to return, that she may fill the vast darkness that surrounded me,
with her moonlight rays. And so she did. Drifted, as was her want, across my empty room, in her starlit mantel, and gently pressed her finger tips to the scar on my cheek, as she always did. This night, she and I sailed, in a jeweled boat on a moonlit sea. We gently rocked to the lapping sound of the waves, I fell deep into the depths of the perfumed cloud world, of drifts and currents, she had always entered into alone. Only this night, she took me with her.
I don't know how long it was before we returned to the shore, or when it was I realized, by the coldness that engulfed me, that I was once more alone.
Perhaps you loose patience with me, suspect I am raving, demand my story make sense? Make sense in your way. But this is my way. It's how I know what is mine and what is not. How I know what is beautiful to me, even if it is not so for you. I have invited you into my world, asked you to witness how it was for me to attempt to enter the world of another. A world so utterly different from my own. And, what I hoped to share, is but a glimpse of the confusion and also clarity, I found there. And although to live without her energy, leaves me the poorer. I am no longer that pauper, she first found, when she touched as lightly upon my life, as her finger tips touched the scar on my cheek.
As I no longer have need to go anywhere, and therefor have time aplenty, and if, it is convenient to you, and there is the inclination, then let us continue, to weave a little of these things together. Let me share with you more of what turned from torment, into, a magical energy, I believe you'll find it well worth the effort. But let me warn you, you must fight to be aware, and awake, for it is a strange, unforgettable experience, and one can very easily loose their way. This way, of confusion, clarity, beauty, pain and fear and finally blessed peace, is not meant for those who are faint of heart.
Tushie (1992)
Sunday, November 13, 2011
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'The Hue of Love' by Trish |
the night never to come, that all people
may never take their last breath, if it were possible,
to wish such things.
This soul that wanders the city streets,
watches the council cleaners, collect,
scattered paper from shuttered shop fronts,
sees the wide tooth brush broom sweep all before it.
Sees the great council truck's moustache brush,
twirl and rock, on its spindle, then snatch dry and wet leaves from the gutter,
to swallow them in one long gush and gulp.
Yes, this soul that often sees so much, that is so small and lovely, confusing and sad, would wish so much if possible.
The council sweeper sees a child's dummy, in the gutter, among the paper bags
and crushed cans; he picks it up, stares at it for some time,
rolls the well sucked rubber thing carefully from side to side, on his palm.
He throws it down and with his large tooth brush broom far in front of him,
its stout handle clasped firm in both hands, he sweeps on.
This soul that wanders, often sees an ageless woman, drag herself,
through the cold city streets. She pushes a trolley, laden with old newspaper,
sometimes there are shouts of, 'that trolley is stolen property!'; she doesn't care;
but the one who shouts does, cares more than they ever did for for the weary
worn out spirit that shuffles and pushes through the morning mist.
Her name is Nessy, I've heard the workers cheerfully, call out to her in rhythm with the
sweep of their brooms,' Good morning newspaper Nessy,
you'd better hurry, if you want to beat us to those scattered news papers.
She just pushes on.
But, let me return to my lostness, for it is that, which creates it all.
The long tormented nights, the wretchedness of my soul.
Creates the fiery places I travel through, while some can dream sweetly,
warm, satisfied and safe in their beds.
I wonder if you think, my thoughts are mad? sick, or sane?
For maybe, you are the one who sees beyond the first flash, that lights, then colors all words?
Perhaps you are the one to catch them and hold them fast in an open heart..
Sees into the storm of letters, that fly like arrows into the air? Have I a word to help myself?
A word that puts an end to this relentless soul journey? A word that puts and end to the torment of those cursed with such a plight. No, sadly I have not. It is is an unbearable state, it consumes, devours and negates. The only way out, is forward
Perhaps I can approach it from another angle, before I finish. 'When the streets team with busy people,
when the footpaths glisten and gleam from soft rain, and then the sun sets each person apart in their own glory, all I ask is, 'hear me when I approach, see me when I pass you by, and if by chance I should stand
beside you, truly see me standing there. Perhaps then, my endless watch, will be over,
Perhaps then, my restless hungry soul, will be fulfilled?.
When I say, 'all I ask is this', I know full well, I ask a lot.
I also ask a lot as I search for the words that rest at the center of me.
Words of wonder and horror? words that may sicken and haunt?
Maybe. But long ago, I said, whatever is there, let it come, for there may also be,hidden beneath the dreariness of my thoughts, the boredom of my state, rich words and images, that can lift a soul up to the heavens of hope, lift a man, woman and child into another world, their own world. It is this I wait for.
And so it is, I say, for now, all I ask is this, '.hear me as I whisper my story in the shuffle and push of my stolen trolley, in the rustle and flutter of my old newspapers. And then, see me come to life before your eyes'.
Tushie (1991)
Friday, November 11, 2011
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'Getting An I In' by Trish |
It was a discussion, come, sort of forum, for those interested in gaining, a deeper understanding of spiritual life.
People took their seats with hushed movements,
and the hall was soon full.
The spiritual master was introduced, with great reverence,
by a very thin, very pale, nervous young man.
The young man kept talking and twitching his frail shoulders,
as he searched frantically through his pockets,
until he found what he was after. His notes.
As this was my first real encounter with the deeper realms,
every word was important.When it came time, for the master to speak, he went into vivid detail, about the path of destruction,
we were all travelling. People nodded, smiled knowingly at each other, eagerly applauded the path of destruction, at every deadly turn.
After some time, the master explained that, the young man who'd introduced him,
was an apprentice? as best I can recall, an apprentice spiritualist.
The apprentice was being trained, to take over the leadership,
in the event of his masters death.
The master now begged, the audience to feel free, to ask questions,
and, said that tonight, the apprentice spiritualist, would have the honour of responding.
Enter,another wise one, I'll call him Teddy.
He was sitting directly behind me, and put forward needling little scoffs and snorts
It was a while before I could get a look at,
what turned out to be, a font full of wisdom. Finally,
in an agony of inquisitiveness, I turned and blatantly stared.
The mischievous look in the eyes of the presentable man, behind me,
was not a surprise, the look told me, my suspicion was correct, he was intent,
on making a right git, out of the, in training, future master and of any one else,
he could get his very white teeth into while at it.. He started to back the disciple,
into a corner with questions like,
'where did the money come from to hire this hall tonight?. Do you get a wage?
I had to pay to get in here tonight, who gave you the right to sell god?;
Before the disciple could gather his wits, or his, again misplaced notes,
Teddy threw him a taunting 'do you eat meat?'
'No, no I don't eat meat, nor fish, nor fowl'.
The pale young man mopped his brow with a big white handkerchief,
his body visibly limp with relief that he seemed,
to have found some common ground with his antagonist.
But relief was short lived.
'Do you eat vegetables?' asked Teddy, 'Yes, yes, only vegetables.'
Quick as a cat pouncing on a mouse, Teddy sprang forth with,
'well what about the insects you kill when you dig up the soil!'
The master moved quickly to the side of his spiritual disciple,
and made a brief speech about, the need to finish early tonight,
and to meet here at the same time next week. Then, in a thirty second burst of passion,
he implored his audience, to, in the mean time, look within and ignore the without.
The disciple seemed frozen to the spot. The only sign of life, on him,
was the blood red that crept from his neck, up and over his chalk white face.
Suddenly, like a puppet pulled sharply by a string from above, he bent forward,
and screamed at Teddy 'if the insects are eating the vegetables, well jump on,
the little buggers!!' The audience cheered wildly, and at the same time stared daggers at Teddy.
I twisted this way and that to keep up with the war like debate.
In my opinion, Teddy won hands down.
I didn't come across Teddy again, but I did hear, in passing,
that some Harri Krishna heavies had tried to turf him out of their restaurant.
He'd, again, in his deep spiritual search, been lighting,
emotional bonfires as he went on his way.
Ah well, I'm sure he meant no harm.
Tushie (1989)
Now then, what am I going to do today?
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'A Knowing Old Bird' by Trish |
The problem is, there's no point in doing anything.
If I do get up, it means I have to do something,
that's only logical. And then, if I do something,
it only has to be done again. - maybe not right away,
of coarse, but eventually around it comes again,
beggin to be done.
Aaah well, first I'll stretch meself . Cripes those sheets are
cold on me bleedin feet. That's better.
Now a big yawn, hm, that feels good.
I'll open me eyes soon, but not just yet.
It's funny the way some people
view rest and activity, funny in a lot of ways.
My mother reckons my father had no peace in him,
reckons he was forever figgitin.
Tappin tacks in here and screwin things into this and that.
But, I enjoyed it. In fact, it was the best part of Sunday.
I can recall it as clear, as if it was happenin now and not,
as in fact it is, a whole life time ago.
There he'd be, sittin on an old mallee root in the backyard,
surrounded by all his old tools, and a new one now and again.
I recall my mother saying over and over,
'your father never finishes anything he starts'.I could go on forever,
with the things she said about the poor old fellow,
all complaints mind you, but I can hardly
think of a thing he said, about her, or anyone else for that matter.
I'll open me eyes soon, but not just yet.
Yes it's funny the way people view rest and activity,
funny in a lot of ways.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
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'Remembering' by Trish |
the man to cut it down? Like a lovely ornament, all winter,
it sat there, its bows raised, like out stretched arms. In spring its leaves were like giant green paper hands, and seemed to spread out, in a jolly greeting.
When autumn came, the leaves fell and lay there,as a blanket of green, that slowly turned the color of burning paper, then finally, turned to a charred black. That tree was so beautiful.
Tushie 1987
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
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'A Little Light' by Trish |
brushes her glossy blue-black hair.
Paints lipstick pink cupid bows, on her pouted pale mouth.
It's clear to me, she is beautiful. I can't help but wonder,
would a mad woman recognize beauty?
And as well, would a sane woman, see, the trees in winter,
that stud the large park, near her home, as dead stars, or as petrified people.
As scare crows, dressed in shrouds. As dancers frozen in poses of classical grace.
that never move, and now, neither do I.
That is, until the little bell, that tinkles morning, noon and night,
its faint sound, beckons me, and the other lost lambs, to come.
To come, one and all, to the dining room.
The food arrives, and the detachment, lostness, loneliness, discontent, disillusionment with life,
manifest in stony silence, or scorn, and scoffing , at the moch creamed fish,
at the soggy jam sponge, and then, all file out, without thanks.
I can't help but ponder, who would one thank in an empty world?
There is a flee of a man, keeps hopping round, the girl with
the red wounds on her slender wrists, secretly taking thirsty sips, from
her rounded, milk white body. And there is the man on the porch, seated in a cane chair,
reading a newspaper, he reads it every day, as soon as it's delivered.
He makes the place look quite normal, if one didn't know better.
I can't help but wonder, would a mad man read newspapers?
Perhaps he doesn't believe he's mad?
But then, why else would he be here? In this place, for lost lambs?
But, the strangest thing of all, is the wire, that keeps us all prisoners.
The wire is only visible to us lost lambs,
other people just walk straight through it, when they visit,
and out again.
I've decided to ask them, the next time they come,
if when they leave, they could they take hold of both my hands,
and try to pull me through, and free of,
the invisible wire, that only lost lambs can see.
Tushie 1976
Sunday, November 6, 2011
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'The Letter' by Trish |
I'll never know why I sent it, it just seemed right, at the time.
I'd hurried to the letter box, sent my missile winging away,
but as soon as I headed home wards, I recalled my inclination to stay, my hand before, the envelope should slip from my finger tips.
recalled how I'd trembled, as if I'd felt the warmth of my lover's lips.
How can something, that seemed, so right at the time,
turn into a nightmare, and threaten to devour one's mind?
Now sleep eludes me, and all peace is torn from my grasp.
Where has this torment come from, and dear God, how long will it last?
Friday, November 4, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
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'Creating Order' by Trish |
and there is the light from the candle,
rich with the fire of flame.
There are rosary beads, pressed hard,
to a soft mouth.
The beads wound her deeply as she prays,
prays for her family, and for all.
Tushie 2000
There are a thousand eyes in the great head.
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'Circling Precision' by Trish |
for how else would one escape?
Escape the devouring blindness,
that casts about,
up and down,
in and out.
Tushie 2000
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'Awareness' by Trish |
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
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''Symbols' by Trish |
That lay on the floor, two large candles,
radiated light. and lent reverence to the splintered wood.
I sat down crossed legged and waited.
'Gently bring your hand's to rest, palms up'.
And so I did, and I saw this.
On my right palm rested, a coiled silver snake.
On my left palm, a coiled gold rope.
The slight weights, felt exactly the same.
As I watched and weighed this delicate balance,
Before my mind's eye, there appeared a large,
Black brooding bird, I felt it tap a restless, sharp, dance
over my heart, before it finally settled its, tomb silent presence,
In front of me.
As I stared into the pitch black, of its cold eyes,
I saw a flag of flame, flutter, first from their center,
And then from my own breast bone.The bird shifted uneasily,
But continued, for what felt to be, a long time, to cast its,
Watchful, brooding looks at me.
I saw, the bird's lids began to blink violently,
As did my own eyelids. The bird's eyes flared a circle of fire
and snapped shut, just as my own, opened wide.
It was as if I woke from a deep, vast place within myself.
And there in the center of it all, lay the rugged cross, and
the two large candles, still burning bright and steady,
In their bronze candle stick holders, steeped in the reverence,
of time.
And the coiled silver snake, on my right palm,
And the coiled gold rope on my left palm,
continued to gleam, in the candles glow.
Tushie 2002
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
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'The Veil' by Trish 2007 |
Why, I have loved you forever.
When you pass me on the street,
I hide my face, my love would show.
Sometimes, late at night,
You pass my door, As I listen to your steps fade,
I stand deathly still, or I shiver, or sit silent,
Behind closed curtains, until dawn.
All day, I wait, for night to come riding,
Through my open window,
It is then I see you, in the cloud that hovers,
Behind the mellow moon, it is then I feel your glow of love,
And it is then, I can, with full devotion, unveil, mine.
Always I enter at the same point,
This point is as fine as the glint in a pin head of light.
Fierce as the fiercest light, cold and hot as the coldest heat.
It is all there is. There is no other way out, but through it.
Faith alone will allow me to enter.
Faith that I will not be shot off into a space, beyond all recall.
Kept forever in flight, by an unseen mighty dark, light force,
Flung beyond, moon, sun, stars, cast out to be alone, forever
Always I enter at the same point, but this time I do not turn back.
I do not turn back, to my 'maze world', that my senses tells me,
Invades my every waking moment, enters my sleep to torment,
Drowns out my thoughts with,
A mish-mash,
Swathe of sounds, of noise, of dirt and darkness. Of hell.
This inner world of mine, with its endless, words and directions, distorted, thoughts, ideas, sights and sounds.
I step out in faith, that I will not drown beneath it all.
Yes with faith,
I take
The first
Tushie 1971
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'A Mode Of Imagery' by Trish' 1994 |
Fierce as the fiercest light, cold and hot as the coldest heat.
It is all there is. There is no other way out, but through it.
Faith alone will allow me to enter.
Faith that I will not be shot off into a space, beyond all recall.
Kept forever in flight, by an unseen mighty dark, light force,
Flung beyond, moon, sun, stars, cast out to be alone, forever
Always I enter at the same point, but this time I do not turn back.
I do not turn back, to my 'maze world', that my senses tells me,
Invades my every waking moment, enters my sleep to torment,
Drowns out my thoughts with,
A mish-mash,
Swathe of sounds, of noise, of dirt and darkness. Of hell.
This inner world of mine, with its endless, words and directions, distorted, thoughts, ideas, sights and sounds.
I step out in faith, that I will not drown beneath it all.
Yes with faith,
I take
The first
Tushie 1971
Monday, October 24, 2011
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'Lots Of Oomph! by Trish 1995 |
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'A Bloody Mess' by Trish 1994 |
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'The Star Gazer' by Trish 1995 |
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'Dolly Girl' by Trish 1994 |
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'Risking It' by Trish |
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'Merging' by Trish 1994 |
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'Distortion At Work' by Trish 1995 |
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'Darkly Red by Trish 1995' |
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'Sunlight' by Trish 1995 |
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'Stoney Stance' by Trish 2003 |
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'Storm Shudder' by Trish 2003 |
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'A Message' by Trish 1995 |
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'Bullet Proof' by Trish 1995 |
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'I Dream In Vain' by Trish 1995 |
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'In The Sky' by Trish 1995 |
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'Taking Flight' by Trish 1995 |
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