
Sunday, December 22, 2019


I saw fairies, child angels, and yes, departed ones too
My family were frightened, and wondered what to do
My arms were wide wings, I declared “I can now, fly”
They looked at me sideways, then up at the dark sky
“I’m free! free! it’s wonderful, free at long, long last!”
I cried it to the world, to anyone, all who might pass
The fun ended, when I ignored the clock, food, a bath
Families can only go so far, with this mad sort of lark
I simply had to fly away my take off was really rough
I wasn’t ready, but, I had to go they were going to lock me up!
Trish 2019 (to be continued)

Monday, December 16, 2019


I have no words, only images, everywhere!!
They tangle around me, squeeze my breath
They are mattered in my thin unwashed hair

And, there's  lack of structure in my dull mind
a can't hear sort of melody, in the background
Which must be rewired. then I can join mankind

I need an invitation, of sorts? a kind word will do
That"s all it will take!! to bring me out of the cold
It will say, welcome home little one, welcome to you

Trish 2019

Friday, December 13, 2019


Yes, once more  I am not listening, nor ever will again
Yes, can you believe it, at long last, I’m in from the rain
Yes, was the first and last word,  to pass from my dry lips
Yes and even maybe no, are the language off the new lists.
Trish. 2019