The hospital sheets feel smooth and cool
'Feathered flowers' by Trish |
under my restless hands.
In front of me are five objects.
These five objects represent my life.
One is a ticking clock, another is a painting,
and then there are two small photos.
One of the photos is of me at nine years old,
another is of me, with my arm wrapped,
protectively around the shoulders,
of my now frail mother.
One more thing is needed to,
make up the number five.
And it is a silver and red tambourine!
But these things, although they do exist,
are, for now, purely in my mind's eye.
Only the hospital bed is real.
These things have made deep, overwhelming,
impressions upon me, perhaps,some good,
although I fail to recognize any good, some, so bad,
I cannot fail, to recognize them.
They have pride of place, in a fashion,
in fact, they are the reason I rest,
in this immaculate hospital bed.
And the clock, what does that represent?
I must not rush ahead.
First, I want to explain the value for me,
of the tambourine.
It represents my love of singing, music,
art, all that is rich and wonderful.
The clock? it represents the droplets of ticking, drops that tremble,
their way and dissolves all in its wake, all,
as it did with my journey towards myself.
The clock breathes and, tick tocks, itself ,
into endless space, soars, spreads, never settles.
I travel with my thoughts and images,
faithful as the most faithful.
Time and space have become one for me.
And the painting, I must not forget the painting.
It is of blue flowers.
Flowers, that float across, a mirror like? background.
If it is so, the petals are dark,
their centers deep blue. How effortless is their drift'
over the electric surface.
But, let me anchor myself, back down to the earth,
back in rhyme, within the frame set, by the time's ticking clock,
back into the immaculate bed,
and out of the three framed lives, that lived ,
their lives, for far too long in my head.
Back into singing, into poetry, music, laughter, live-life!!
Back into society, back into community,
Back, back I came......and here, yes here...I am.